Tuesday, May 20, 2008

I have alot of creative energy at night and its a curse.
Some people have a magic switch in their heads that sends them off to sleep as soon as they hit linen. I'd give alot to have a switch like this, I'm the owner of a mind that becomes disobediently productive during the early hours of day.

So it's 2.34 AM and here I am, this is my change of tactic. What's the use of lying in bed trying in vain to quell the busy train station in my head? It's a stubborn refusal to ignore the clattering carriages of ideas and it leads to an endless train of thought.
It reached the point where I became aware of the pressure, the dull ache at the back of my eyes. It was my eyeballs darting around, tracing crazy zig zags behind closed lids. I could tell I would be there all night chasing trains.

My daytime activity has become extremely productive, I suppose I should be glad. These last few days I must have spent 24 hours out of 48 working on a short visual piece. A visual piece for some music I completed a day before that. I'm pleased with my output, but I'm not the slightest bit interested in stopping for breath. That's odd.
It's becoming obsessive. I can work solidly all day, I see these luminescent pixels more than I see human contact. There's nowhere for any physical energy to go. Fingernails are clipped down to the quick each day, this is the only way I'll not bite them into bleeding stumps. There's no saving my lips though. Moments of intense focus are the worst, I'll be concentrating too hard to notice my teeth tearing involuntarily through soft flesh. Talk about nasty habits...

Right now most other people will be using their creative energy to fuel their dream-time entertainment. I can only hope this catharsis has been of some use, if my subconscious decides it's time for more playtime I'll be exhausted come morning.